
Saturday, 30 November 2013

Silhouettic; Trying New Things

It's good to expand one's horizons.
I'm always pottering around with new techniques, and different styles when I shoot bugs. It all gets a little stale if you don't. Unless you find new bugs, but the selection is getting a little lacklustre around here. Even though I thoroughly enjoy getting amongst God's creation, when you've shot your one million two hundred and third Sarcophagus Fly, it starts to look a bit the same as all the previous Sarcophagus Flies before it. Because of this, I like to find new ways of looking at the Master Craftsman's handiwork.

As always, click the image for a better view.

First, something totally different from the rest.

And then the main type of shot I'm working on. I'd like the silhouettes to be more 'perfect', but I think these are a pretty good start for now.

Thanks for looking. Let me know what you think down below.

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